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토요일, 3월 15, 2025


pick up 8가지 활용법

영어공부를 하는 사람이라면 반드시 알아야 하는 pick up 8가지 활용법 , 다양한 쓰임을 배워봅니다. 

pick up  8가지 활용법
pick up 8가지 활용법
pick up 8가지 활용법

pick up  8가지 활용법 

★ pick up의 8가지 활용법

1. Thanks for picking me up. 데리러 오다.
2. We’re gonna have to pick up the pace. 속도를 내다
3. Things are finally picking up. 회복/개선되다
4. Let’s pick up where we left off. 다시 시작하다
5. I picked you up some coffee. 간단히 사오다
6. Just pick up the phone and call her. 전화 받다
7. You’ll pick it up pretty quickly. 익히게 되다
8. I’m good at picking up signals. 신호를 알아차리다

1. pick up 집어 들다/데리러 오다

What time should I pick you up?
I’m picking everybody up from High Wycombe station, Friday, 3 o’clock sharp.

*시간 + sharp 칼같이, 딱 맞춰서
-캠브릿지 사전: exactly at the stated time

상대가 날 데리러 와줬을 때 기본 매너 표현
Thanks for picking me up.

<특히 먼 길을 와준 상대에겐>
Thanks for coming all this way, Brooke.

You were supposed to pick me up at 3.
*be supposed to: 원래 ~하기로 했어/해야 해

You were supposed to pick me up at 3 o’clock today. What happened?

2. pick up the pace 속도를 내다
-Freedictionary.com: to begin moving or doing something faster; to hurry up.

We’re gonna have to pick up the pace here, so go ahead.
좀 더 빨리 진행해야 할 것 같아요.

We’re gonna have to pick up the pace.

3. 회복/개선되다
-Merriam-Webster 사전: to recover or increase speed, vigor, or activity: improve

Things are finally picking up.
드디어 상황이 나아지고 있어.

Last year was a roller coaster (ride) for us, but I’m glad sales have finally started to pick up.
-Collins 사전: If you say that someone or something is on a roller-coaster, you mean that they go through many sudden or extreme changes in a short time.

<SNS에서 입소문이 나며 매출 회복>
It went viral, and all of a sudden sales started to pick up.

Wow, things are really picking up.

4. pick up (중단된 상황으로 돌아가) 계속하다/다시 시작하다
-macmillan 사전: to start something again, from the point where you stopped.

Let’s pick this up after lunch. 점심 먹고 계속합시다.
We’ll pick it up after lunch.

Let’s reconvene after lunch. 
We’ll reconvene after lunch.

pick up where we left off.
Let’s pick up where we left off. 아까/저번에 했던 부분부터 이어서 계속하죠.

I think we lost Tom. 
I’ll try to pick up where Tom left off.
I’ll try to pick up where Paul left off.
I’ll try to pick up where he left off.

fill in for Tom  (Tom 대신 일을 봐줄 때) 
I will try to pick up where Professor Klarman left off.
Let’s pick up where we left off.
I wanna pick up where we left off last time.

5. 간단히 사오다
-캠브릿지 사전: to buy something cheaply.

I picked you up some coffee.

<컨디션이 안 좋은 상대를 위해 스프를 사왔을 때>
I picked you up some soup from a place I know.

<(특히 간식, 커피 등을 주며) 이거 먹고 힘내>
Got you a little pick-me-up, Tommy.

6. pick up the phone. 전화 받다
*캠브릿지 사전: to answer the phone

Just pick up the phone and call her.
Just pick up the phone and call her. Be her friend.

<물론 왜 전화를 안 받았냐고 할 때 쓸 수 있긴 하지만…>
A: Why didn’t you pick up your phone?
   I called like ten times.
B: I just wasn’t in a talking mood.

I’ve been trying to reach you (all day).
I’ve been trying to reach you since yesterday.
I’ve been trying to reach him all afternoon.
I’ve been trying to reach him all day.

7. 습관/재주 등을 들이게 되다, 익히게 되다.
*macmillan 사전: to learn a new skill or start a habit without intending to.

I’ve just picked up a few words here and there.

A: Do you speak Polish?
B: Oh no, my husband is Polish.
   I’ve just picked up a couple of phrases.

You don’t need a manual. It’s not rocket science.
You’ll pick it up pretty quickly.

You’ll pick it up pretty quickly.
I picked up a few tips from the book.

I hope you picked up some tips.

8. 신호를 알아차리다/잡다
-캠브릿지 사전: (of a piece of electrical equipment) to receive a signal to notice

A: How did you know?
B: I’m pretty good at picking up signals.

Don’t worry. I’m very good at picking up signals.

I thought she liked me.
I guess I’m super bad at picking up signals.

이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

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