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목요일, 1월 16, 2025


23.05.22.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 주차 위반 딱지 항의하기 Appealing a parking ticket

Appealing a parking ticket
세린쌤: I mean it’s very detailed, you know, put in your ticket number, put in the exact date, the exact address and where it was. And also including or attaching pictures is very helpful.
in front of [목적어] 앞에서; 앞에 있는
내 앞에 키크고 잘 생긴 남자가 서 있어.
A tall, handsome man is standing in front of me.
나는 모두의 앞에서 민망함을 당했어.
I was embarrassed in front of everyone.
니 앞에 뭐가 보이니?
What do you see in front of you?
세린쌤: You’re lost and your friend is helping you out.
To whom it may concern 관계자분께
ticket 티켓; 딱지
park 주차하다
unfairly 불공평하게
sign; signage 표지판
cover 가리다
attach 첨부하다 attachment
signage 신호체계
[주어] is issued [명사] = [주어]가 [명사]를 발부받다.
세리아나는 가속 티켓 2장을 발부받았어.
Seriana was issued two speeding tickets.
토니는 한번에 주차티켓 10장을 발부받았어.
Tony was issued 10 parking tickets at once.
as [평서문]이므로 <= because 와 비슷하지만 격식
당신은 저희의 멤버가 아니므로 여기에 들어올 수 없습니다.
You can not enter this area as you are not our member.
제가 인터넷 연결이 되지 않았으므로 당신의 메세지를 확인할 수 없었어요.
I couldn’t check your email as I was not connected to the internet.
I couldn’t check your email as I didn’t have internet connection.
on the day [평서문] 당일에
저는 그게 벌어진 당일에 시내에 없었어요.
I was not in the town on the day it happened.
Sounds like an alibi.
도슨씨가 살해당한 그 날에 당신은 어디 있었죠?
Where had you been on the day Mr. Doson was killed?
Where were you on the day Mr. Dosn was murdered


[Five Golden Sentences]
관계자분께, 주차위반 딱지 번호 A334455 관련,
To whom it may concern (regarding parking ticket No. A334455)
전 2023년 5월 17일 Pleasant 5번 마유‘s Autoshop 앞에서 주차위반 딱지를 발부받았습니다.
I was issued a parking ticket at 5 Pleasant Road in front of Mayu’s Autoshop on May 17th, 2023.
제 자동차는 오후 2시에서 2시 반 사이에 주차되어 있었고, 저는 그곳에 30분도 채 있지 않았습니다.
My car was parked between 14:00 and 14:30. I was there for less than 30 minutes.
주차금지 표지판이 나무에 가려져 있었기 때문에 이 딱지가 발부된 건 부당한 것같습니다.
I believe this ticket was issued unfairly as the no parking sign was covered by a tree.
** “I believe” <= “I think” 보다 강한 표현
딱지가 발부된 당일에 찍은 제 차와 제 차에서 가장 가까운 표지판들의 사진을 첨부했습니다.
I have attached a photo of my car and the signage nearest my car taken on the day the ticket was issued.
출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 주차 위반 딱지 항의하기 Appealing a parking ticket

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