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목요일, 3월 13, 2025


영어표현 I cried eyes out



“I cried my eyes out.” 입니다!

난 펑펑 울었어.

‘cry one’s eyes out’ 은 ‘펑펑 울다’ 라는 뜻이에요.

예를 들어서,

A : Are you okay? (“괜찮아?”)

B : I cried my eyes out. (“나 펑펑 울었어.”)


A : She broke up with her boyfriend, so she cried her eyes out. (“걔 남자친구랑 헤어져서, 펑펑 울었더라.”)

이렇게 사용할 수 있습니다!

1. Cry one’s heart out = to cry for an extended period of time – 마음껏 울다, 통곡하며 울다

Poor Jane really cried her heart out during the funeral service.

I cannot watch the movie ‘my dog skip’ because I just cry my heart out every time.

2. Heavy heart = a great deal of sadness, a sad/ miserable state/ unhappily = aching heart, broken heart, bleeding heart

It is with a heavey heart that I bring you this bad news.

He left her with a heavy heart, wondering if she would ever recover.

With a heavy heart I must inform you all that John passed away.

Are you ok? – I just feel a little heavy hearted thats all.

(반대말 light heart = a happy feeling

She left for Europe with a light heart, knowing that the kids would be fine.)

3. reduce (someone) to tears = to cause to cry

The movie’s ending reduced them to cry.

I know it’s embarrassing,but sappy movies like that always reduce me to tears.

He scolded her so much that she was reduced to tears by the end of the meeting.

4. Fall to pieces = lose one’s capacity to cope

Angie fell to pieces because she had  lost everything.

His comments reduced me tears. They were so mean I fell to pieces in front of my friends.

​How do you say ‘I am said’ in different ways?

1. I am feeling blue – unhappy or depress – I was really feeling blue after he told me that he was leaving.

2. my heart sank – very unhappy and despondent (낙담하다 실의에 빠지다discourage, in low spirit) – His heart sank when he realized that he had lost all of his money.

3. dejected = despondent – After they heard the news, they all looked dejected.

My friend was looking really dejected when I saw her after work yesterday.

So, I decided to go and ask her what was wrong. But, my heart sank when she told me that her father had passed away. She said that she had been feeling really blue for the last couple of days.

My friend asked me what was wrong because of my dejected face. While I told her I would file a divorce, my heart sank again. She said sorry to hear that. I have been feeling blue since I decide to break up my 30years marriage.




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