-12.2 C
토요일, 2월 8, 2025


중학교 기본 영단어 (2월 22일 ~ 2월 28일)

중학교 기본 영어 단어

  1. Ability – 능력: the power or skill to do something
  2. Absent – 결석한: not present; away
  3. Accept – 받아들이다: to receive or take willingly
  4. Accomplish – 성취하다: to achieve or complete successfully
  5. Achieve – 성취하다: to accomplish something successfully
  6. Action – 행동: something done; an act
  7. Active – 활발한: engaged in physical or mental activity
  8. Admire – 감탄하다: to regard with approval or respect
  9. Adventure – 모험: an exciting or dangerous experience
  10. Advise – 충고하다: to recommend or suggest
  11. Affect – 영향을 미치다: to have an impact or influence on something
  12. Agree – 동의하다: to have the same opinion or be in harmony
  13. Aim – 목표로 삼다: to direct one’s efforts towards a goal
  14. Allow – 허용하다: to give permission or permit
  15. Amaze – 놀라게 하다: to surprise greatly; astonish
  16. Ambition – 야망: a strong desire to achieve something
  17. Analysis – 분석: the process of examining something in detail
  18. Anxiety – 불안: a feeling of worry or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
  19. Appropriate – 적절한: suitable or fitting for a particular purpose or situation
  20. Approval – 승인: the act of officially agreeing to or accepting something
  21. Argument – 논쟁: a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others
  22. Aspire – 열망하다: to have a strong desire to achieve or become something
  23. Assistance – 지원: help or support given to someone who needs it
  24. Associate – 관련시키다: to connect or link something or someone with another
  25. Attitude – 태도: a way of thinking or feeling about something or someone
  26. Authentic – 진짜의: genuine or real, not fake or copied
  27. Available – 이용 가능한: able to be used or accessed
  28. Awe – 경외감: a feeling of deep respect, wonder or fear
  29. Awkward – 어색한: causing difficulty or embarrassment
  30. Balance – 균형: a state of equilibrium or stability
  31. Behavior – 행동: the way someone conducts themselves, especially in relation to others
  32. Belief – 믿음: an acceptance that something is true or real
  33. Benefit – 혜택: an advantage or profit gained from something
  34. Blame – 비난하다: to hold someone responsible for a mistake or wrongdoing
  35. Bold – 대담한: showing a willingness to take risks and be confident
  36. Boost – 증대하다: to increase or improve something
  37. Brave – 용감한: showing courage or fearlessness
  38. Brief – 간략한: short or concise
  39. Brilliant – 빛나는: exceptionally clever or talented
  40. Budget – 예산: a financial plan for managing money
  41. Build – 건설하다: to construct or create something
  42. Busy – 바쁜: having a lot to do or be occupied with
  43. Calm – 차분한: free from agitation or excitement
  44. Capable – 능력있는: having the ability to do something
  45. Care – 돌봄: the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, and protection of someone or something
  46. Celebrate – 축하하다: to acknowledge and show appreciation for an event or achievement
  47. Challenge – 도전: a difficult task or situation that tests someone’s ability or determination
  48. Change – 변화: the process of becoming different
  49. Character – 인물: the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual
  50. Charm – 매력: the power to attract or delight through personality or appearance
  51. Cheerful – 명랑한: happy and positive in disposition
  52. Choice – 선택: an act of choosing between two or more possibilities
  53. Clean – 깨끗한: free from dirt, marks, or unwanted matter
  54. Clear – 명확한: easy to perceive, understand, or interpret
  55. Comfort – 위안: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint
  56. Communicate – 소통하다: to share or exchange information with someone else
  57. Community – 지역사회: a group of people who share common interests or characteristics
  58. Compete – 경쟁하다: to strive against others for a prize or honor
  59. Complain – 불평하다: to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
  60. Comprehend – 이해하다: to understand or grasp the meaning of something
  61. Concern – 걱정: a feeling of worry or anxiety about something
  62. Conclude – 결론을 내리다: to bring something to an end or finish
  63. Confident – 자신 있는: having a feeling of assurance or self-reliance
  64. Congratulate – 축하하다: to express pleasure or joy for someone’s success or good fortune
  65. Connect – 연결하다: to join or link something together
  66. Consistent – 일관된: acting or done in the same way over time
  67. Content – 내용: the substance or material dealt with in a speech, literary work, etc.
  68. Control – 통제: the power to influence or direct the course of events
  69. Cooperation – 협력: the process of working together to achieve a common goal
  70. Courage – 용기: the ability to do something that frightens one
  71. Create – 창조하다: to make or bring something into existence
  72. Criticize – 비판하다: to indicate the faults or shortcomings of something or someone
  73. Culture – 문화: the beliefs, customs, and practices of a particular society or group
  74. Cure – 치료: the process of restoring someone’s health or well-being
  75. Curious – 호기심 많은: eager to learn or know something new
  76. Daring – 대담한: showing courage and willingness to take risks
  77. Darkness – 어둠: the absence of light or brightness
  78. Data – 자료: facts, figures, or other information that can be used to analyze or make decisions
  79. Debate – 토론: a formal discussion in which people present and argue opposing views on a particular topic
  80. Decide – 결정하다: to make a choice or come to a conclusion after consideration
  81. Decline – 감소하다: to decrease or become less
  82. Decorate – 장식하다: to add visual interest or beauty to something
  83. Defend – 방어하다: to protect or guard against an attack or harm
  84. Definition – 정의: a statement of the exact meaning of a word or phrase
  85. Delicious – 맛있는: having a pleasant taste or flavor
  86. Delight – 기쁨: a feeling of great pleasure or joy
  87. Demand – 요구하다: to ask for something with authority or urgency
  88. Democracy – 민주주의: a system of government in which power is held by the people through elected representatives
  89. Deny – 부인하다: to refuse to admit the truth of something or to give something to someone
  90. Depend – 의존하다: to rely on someone or something for support or survival
  91. Describe – 묘사하다: to give an account in words of someone or something
  92. Design – 디자인: the process of planning and creating something
  93. Desire – 갈망: a strong feeling of wanting or wishing for something
  94. Detail – 상세한 내용: a small and specific part of something
  95. Develop – 발전시키다: to grow or advance over time
  96. Devote – 바치다: to give time, effort, or attention to something or someone
  97. Dialogue – 대화: a conversation between two or more people
  98. Different – 다른: not the same as something or someone else
  99. Diligent – 부지런한: showing care and effort in one’s work or duties
  100. Direction – 방향: the course or path along which someone or something moves
  101. Disagree – 의견이 다르다: to have a different opinion or view from someone else
  102. Discover – 발견하다: to find or come across something new or unknown
  103. Discuss – 논의하다: to talk about a topic with someone in order to exchange ideas and opinions
  104. Disgust – 역겨움: a feeling of strong revulsion or disapproval
  105. Display – 전시하다: to show or exhibit something to others
  106. Distract – 주의를 딴 데로 돌리다: to divert someone’s attention away from something
  107. Distribute – 배포하다: to give or spread something out to many people or places
  108. Diversity – 다양성: the quality or state of being different or varied
  109. Divide – 나누다: to separate or break something into smaller parts or groups
  110. Document – 문서: a written or printed record of information
  111. Domestic – 국내의: relating to the home, family, or one’s own country
  112. Doubt – 의심: a feeling of uncertainty or skepticism
  113. Draw – 그리다: to create a picture or image by making lines or marks on paper or another surface
  114. Dream – 꿈: a series of thoughts, images, or sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep
  115. Drive – 운전하다: to operate a vehicle or move something forward with force
  116. Dwell – 살다: to live in a particular place or environment
  117. Dynamic – 역동적인: characterized by constant change or activity
  118. Early – 이른: happening or occurring before the expected time
  119. Earn – 벌다: to receive money or compensation for work or services
  120. Earth – 지구: the third planet from the sun, on which we live
  121. Easy – 쉬운: not difficult or complicated
  122. Education – 교육: the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, or attitudes through various methods
  123. Effect – 효과: a result or consequence of something
  124. Efficient – 효율적인: achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or resources
  125. Elderly – 노인: relating to or characteristic of old age
  126. Electric – 전기의: relating to or using electricity
  127. Elegant – 우아한: graceful and stylish in appearance or manner
  128. Element – 원소: a part or aspect of something larger
  129. Elevate – 높이다: to raise or lift something to a higher position or level
  130. Emotion – 감정: a strong feeling or reaction to a person, object, or situation
  131. Empathy – 감정 이입: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  132. Employ – 고용하다: to hire or engage someone to work for a company or organization
  133. Enable – 가능하게 하다: to give someone the ability or means to do something
  134. Encourage – 격려하다: to give support, confidence, or hope to someone
  135. End – 끝: the final part of something or the conclusion of an event
  136. Energy – 에너지: the power or capacity to do work or produce a change
  137. Engage – 참여하다
  138. Enhance – 향상시키다: to improve the quality, value, or attractiveness of something
  139. Enjoy – 즐기다: to experience pleasure or satisfaction from something
  140. Enrich – 풍요롭게 하다: to improve the quality or value of something by adding to it



이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.

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