22.8 C
수요일, 10월 16, 2024


[중2] 영어 문제 수동태 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공

[중2] 영어 문제 수동태 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공 안녕하세요! 평등한 교육 받을 기회를 추구하는 🌱화수분입니다. 오늘 관련된 주제는 영어 과목 수동태 문제입니다.

정답을 맞추기보다는 ✨풀이 과정✨에 집중해서 문제 하나하나를 풀다 보면 정점에 도달할 수 있겠죠? 오늘도 화이팅입니다! 💪📚

자! 그럼 아래 관련 문제를 정리해봅니다. 📝

[📢 안내] 하단에 📥 다운로드를 클릭하면 문제를 직접 다운받을 수 있습니다. 일부 문제지에는 답이 포함되어 있거나, 답지를 별도로 제공하고 있으니 부모님이나 학생 분들은 참고해주세요! 😊

[중2] 영어 문제 수동태 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공
[중2] 영[중2] 영어 문제 수동태 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공어 문제

[중2] 영어 문제 수동태 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공

주어진 질문에 대한 답을 능동태와 수동태 문장으로 쓰시오.

(1) “Who wrote Harry Potter?”

➝ (A) J.K. Rowling ➝ (B) Harry Potter

(2) “Who made this cake?”

➝ (A) He ➝ (B) This cake

2. <수원 – 영통중>

다음 문장 중 어법상 옳은 것은?

① The dog was ran over by the bus.

② The poem wrote by a famous poet.

③ The bed tub was filled by warm water.

④ My plan may not be accepted by him.

⑤ Charles was know for the cooks around the world.

3. <일산 – 산내중>

어법상 틀린 문장은?

① Sam hit the ball.

② Sam was hit the ball.

③ The cat kicked the mouse.

④ The cat was kicked by the mouse.

⑤ The tiger was thrown by the bear.

4. <수원 – 영통중>

능동태 문장을 <예시>와 같이 수동태로 바꾸시오.


-He painted the picture.(능동태)

→ The picture was painted by him.(수동태)

(1) People use the Internet in various ways.

(2) The movie will interest Tony tonight.

5. <영통 – 상갈중>

주어진 문장을 ‘~에 의해 …되다’의 의미가 되도록 주어를 바꾸어 쓰시오.

(1) King Sejong invented Hangeul.

➝ Hangeul ___ .

(2) Henry didn’t steal the chair.

➝ The chair ___ .

6. <평촌 – 과천문원중>

주어진 문장을 수동태로 바르게 바꾼 것은? [4점]

① She sent a letter to the singer.

→ The singer sent a letter by her.

② They called her an angel.

→ She is called an angel by them.

③ My friend made me a carrot cake.

→ I was made a carrot cake by my friend.

④ An expert should solve this problem.

→ This problem should be solved this problem.

⑤ He sold his old clothes at the flea market.

→ His old clothes was sold at the flea market by him.

7. <평촌 – 과천문원중>

주어진 우리말과 같은 의미가 되도록 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 반드시 수동태 및 관계대명사와 괄호 안의 단어를 모두 활용하되, 어법과 시제에 맞게 단어 추가 또는 변형할 것) [6점]

(1) 이 그림은 1875년 인상파 화가인 Monet에 의해 그려졌다. (draw, picture)

☞ ___ was an impressionist in 1875.

(2) 우리는 Jacque가 우리에게 가르쳐 준 프랑스 문화에 관심이 있었다. (French, interest)

☞ We ___ us.

8. <수지 – 초당중>

주어진 우리말과 일치하도록, (가),(나)에 적절한 말을 주어진 <조건>에 맞게 영어로 쓰시오.

(가) 2011년에 지어졌다

(나) 500년대에 처음 기록되었다.


(가) [build]

→ ___

(나) [the, record]

→ ___

9. <수지 – 대덕중>

괄호 안에 들어갈 단어에 해당되지 않는 것은?

° She is known (    ) her novels.

° The mountain is covered (    ) snow.

° The class was made up (    ) 34 students.

° She was tired (    ) spending her time alone.

° I hope the new year will be filled (    ) happiness.

° He was surprised (    ) how many people knew her.

① at ② to ③ of ④ for ⑤ with

10. <수지 – 성복중>

(A)~(C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?

(A) (B) (C)

① is supported holds is called

② is supported is held call

③ is supported is held is called

④ support holds is called

⑤ support is held call

11. <수지 – 성복중>

다음의 문장을 주어진 단어로 시작하는 수동태 문장으로 바꾸어 쓰시오.

1. The foreigner asked Emma a question.

→ A question ___ .

2. They made us study the language.

→ We ___ .

12. <수지 – 대덕중>

능동태 문장을 수동태 문장으로 바르게 전환한 것은?

① She can speak French.

→ French can be speak by her.

② We love children all the time.

→ Children is loved by us all the time.

③ Mike will invite Jessica to the party.

→ Jessica will be invite by him to the party.

④ Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.

→ Romeo and Juliet were written by Shakespeare.

⑤ She cooked the chicken curry for me.

→ The chicken curry was cooked for me by her.

13. <분당 – 양영중>

(A)This four-story house was built by people by 2011.

밑줄 친 (A)의 형태를 참고하여 다음 문장과 각각 같은 뜻이 되도록 어법에 맞게 빈 곳을 채워 문장을 완성하시오.

(1) Where did he send the packages?

→ Where ___ him?

(2) The teachers were paying attention to every single detail.

→ Every single detail ___ .

14. <중계 – 중평중>

두 문장의 의미가 서로 같도록 바꾸어 쓴 것 중 어법이 바른 것은?

① They will clean the house.

→ The house will be cleaned by them.

② King Sejong invented Hangeul.

→ Hangeul were invented by King Sejong.

③ Kelly plays the piano every day.

→ The piano was played by Kelly every day.

④ We will make the postbox tomorrow.

→ The postbox will be made by we tomorrow.

⑤ Jina cooked spaghetti yesterday.

→ Spaghetti was been cooked by Jina yesterday.

15. <중계 – 중평중>

다음 주어진 문장과 뜻이 같도록 바꾸어 쓸 때, 빈 칸 ⓐ~ⓒ에 들어갈 알맞은 표현을 쓰시오.

16. <분당 – 샛별중>

아래 대화에서 어법이 가장 어색한 한 문장을 찾아 번호를 쓰고 올바른 문장으로 고쳐 쓰시오.

A : ①Do you know who Vincent van Gogh is?

B : Yes. ②Isn’t he the man who drew ‘The Sunflowers’?

③I learned about him in the English class.

A : Did you? ④He painted over 900 works while he was alive.

B : Wow. I can’t believe it. By the way, ⑤many of his best paintings made in the last two years of his life.

(1) 어색한 문장 번호 : (       )

(2) 고쳐 쓴 문장 : ___

17. <수지 – 이현중>

다음 문장을 주어진 주어로 시작하는 수동태로 바꿀 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

(1) They say that his sister was a popular singer.

→ His sister ___ .

(2) People think that children need love from their parents.

→ Children ___ .

18. <수원 – 율현중>

빈 칸 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) (B) (C)

① surprised remembered organized

② surprised is remembered was organized

③ surprised is remembered organized

④ was surprised remembered organized

⑤ was surprised is remembered was organized

19. <일산 – 오마중>

주어진 단어를 이용하여 <조건>에 맞게 밑줄 친 부분을 완성하시오.


● 수동태 문장으로 만들 것.

● 필요할 경우 단어를 추가하거나 변형할 것.

(1) The book ___ to the library by the next week. If not, you will not be allowed to checkout another book for a month. (should, return)

(2) Kevin disappeared five weeks ago. He ___ since then. (see, not)

(3) I wanted to use a photocopier at the library last night, but I wasn’t able to. All the photocopiers ___ (use, being).

20. <일산 – 산내중>

우리말과 같은 의미가 되도록 괄호 안의 표현을 반드시 활용하여 한 문장으로 쓰시오. (필요하면 괄호 안의 영어 표현을 변형하여 답안을 작성할 것)

두 명의 어린이가 어제 그 사고로 다쳤다. (injure)

21. <평촌 – 연현중>

주어진 문장과 의미가 가까운 것은? [4점]

He will finish a lot of homework this evening.

= A lot of homework ___ .

① was finished by him this evening.

② have finished by him this evening.

22. <수지 – 이현중>

<보기>의 (1) ~ (3) 문장을 수동태로 고쳐 쓰시오.

(1) My mother feeds the cats every morning.

→ ___ .

(2) The police didn’t catch the thief.

→ ___ .

(3) He must not forget this fact.

→ ___ .

23. <송파 – 양진중>

(A) (소년이 엄마에 의해서 쓰여진 것을 읽은 후에), his eyes were full of tears. He looked at his mother and said, “I love you, Mom.” and wrote the following: “EVERYTHING IS FULLY PAID!”

(A)의 우리말을 10단어의 수동태 문장으로 영작하시오.

24. <분당 – 야탑중>

다음 두 문장이 같은 의미를 갖도록 문장을 완성하시오.

(1) He built the house three years ago.

→ The house ___ .

(2) The police didn’t catch the thief.

→ The thief ___ .

(3) My father cuts the grass once a week.

→ The grass ___ .

(4) Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.

→ Romeo and Juliet ___ .

25. <분당 – 내정중>

다음은 학생의 영어작문 시험지이다. ㉠~㉩ 중에서 어법상 옳지 않은 문장의 기호를 골라 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

Writing Test (10 points for each)

㉠ The book is written in English.

㉡ This rock is seen from a distance.

㉢ The picture was painted by Monet.

㉣ Romeo was not married to Juliet.

㉤ You can go home if you feel tried.

㉥ He will be made repair the car by them.

㉦ The light bulb was invented by Edison.

㉧ We were invited to Mary’s birthday party.

㉨ If you will study harder, you will get a good grade.

㉩ What’s learned in the cradle is carrying to the grave.

●점수 : 70점

틀린 기호                  고쳐 쓴 부분

(1) ___ ⇒ ___

(2) ___ ⇒ ___

(3) ___ ⇒ ___

26. <분당 – 내정중>

주어진 문장을 수동태로 고친 것 중 옳지 않은 것은?

① A cat ran after a mouse.

→ A mouse was run after by a cat.

② His words upset her.

→ She was upset by his words.

③ She has helped the orphans.

→ The orphans was helped by her.

④ We must not forget this fact.

→ This fact must not be forgotten by us.

⑤ Tom was cleaning the room when I arrived.

→ The room was being cleaned by Tom when I arrived.

27. <중계 – 중계중>

주어진 문장을 수동태로 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.

(1) They didn’t make these inventions.

→ ___ .

(2) Wanna-One sang the song “Energetic”.

→ ___ .

(3) Many people will visit the Namsan Tower next year.

→ ___ .

28. <평촌 – 연현중>

주어진 문장과 의미가 가까운 것은? [4점]

He will finish a lot of homework this evening.

= A lot of homework ___ .

① was finished by him this evening.

② have finished by him this evening.

③ will be finished by he this evening.

④ will be finished by him this evening.

⑤ will have finished this evening by him.

29. <분당 – 보평중>

위 글의 ⓐ와 의미가 일치하도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

<조건> 반드시 by를 포함하여 작성할 것

(가) This test ___ .

(나) His children ___ .

30. <평촌 – 당정중>

밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓒ중 어법상 옳은 것이 바르게 연결된 것은? [4점]

ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ

① to appear moved giving

② appearing was moved given

③ to appear moved given

④ appearing was moved giving

⑤ to appear was moved given

31. <수원 – 정천중>

위 글의 (A)~(C)의 밑줄에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) (B) (C)

① published touched moved

② published touched were moved

③ published were touched moved

④ was published touched were moved

⑤ was published were touched were moved

32. <수원 – 이목중>

밑줄 친 (A)~(E)의 오류를 바르게 고친 것은?

Mattie J.T. Stepanek (A)born in the U.S. in 1990. Ever since he was a baby, he (B)was suffered from a serious illness. When he was nine years old, he (C)become too sick to go to school. He had to (D)fighting for his life. However, he was still (E)filled of hope, and he wrote many beautiful poems.

① (A) born → has born

② (B) was suffered → suffered

③ (C) become → becomes

④ (D) fighting → be fought

⑤ (E) filled of → filling with

33. <평촌 – 안양서중>

제시된 동사의 과거와 과거분사 형태가 잘못된 것은? [2.5점]

기본형 / 과거 / 과거분사

① lay / laid / lain

② draw / drew / drawn

③ fly / flew / flown

④ know / knew / known

⑤ break / broke / broken

34. <영통 – 영동중>

다음은 작년 9월에 있었던 학교 체육대회에 대한 학교 신문 기사이다. 어법상 틀린 부분을 2군데 찾아 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

Class 9 Smiles at School Sports Day

This year’s School Sports Day held on the school playing field on Friday, September 24th. Class 9 won first place. They won the soccer game and the basketball game. Each class showed their best teamwork, and all the students had great fun.

(1) ___ ⇒ ___

(2) ___ ⇒ ___

35. <평촌 – 안양서중>

Anyway, I’m (A) used to paying for my younger friends now. When I went out with my American friends last weekend, I just picked up the bill for everybody. Now, they all love me.

밑줄 친 (A) used 와 같은 의미로 사용된 문장은? [3.5점]

① It was used very well.

② I didn’t use to like jazz.

③ I’m used to speaking in English.

④ It’s no use learning such a thing.

⑤ Last week I used to exercise every day.

36. <평촌 – 안양서중>

위 글에서 다루는 내용을 한 문장으로 요약할 수 있도록 본문에 나온 영어단어를 사용하여 완성하시오. [4.0점]

→ They are talking about ___ .

37. <평촌 – 안양서중>

밑줄 친 우리말을 <보기>에 주어진 단어를 이용하여 영어문장으로 바꾸시오. [6.0점]


delivered, in, it, less, minutes, than, was, 30

38. <평촌 – 군포중>

우리말과 같도록 주어진 단어를 활용하여 문장을 완성하시오. (단, 주어진 단어를 시제와 어법에 맞게 변형할 수 있음) [총 8.0점, 각 4.0점]

1. 한글은 1443년에 세종대왕에 의해서 창제되었다. (invent)

→ Hangeul ___ by King Sejong in 1443.

2. 해리포터는 약 20년 전에 J.K. Rowling에 의해 쓰여졌다. (write)

→ Harry Potter ___ by J.K. Rowling about 20 years ago.

39. <분당 – 늘푸른중>

위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)~(E) 중 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 기호와 오류 부분을 쓰고 바르게 고치시오.

문장기호 / 오류 부분 / 바르게 고쳐 쓴 것

(    ) → ___

(    ) → ___

(    ) → ___

40. <중계 – 상명중>

(A)~(C)에서 어법상 옳은 것으로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

Since the first computer (A) was/has invented about 60 years ago, the computers (B) have/were played an important role in our lives. Today, we can easily shop on the internet. Also our children can be (C) taught/teaching with the help of computers.

41. <중계 – 상명중>

능동태를 수동태로 바꾼 문장이 바르지 않은 것은?

① Tom doesn’t love her. = She is not loved by Tom.

② The truck hit the dog. = The dog is hit by the truck.

③ Jane gave me a letter. = A letter was given to me by Jane.

④ They speak Spanish in Mexico. = Spanish is spoken in Mexico.

⑤ Did you draw the pictures on the wall? = Were the pictures drawn on the wall by you?

42. <중계 – 상명중>

어법상 바르지 않은 것은?

① I am worried about the test.

② The ring was made by silver.

③ The box was filled with apples.

④ The mountain is covered with snow.

⑤ The singer was well known to people.

43. <중계 – 상명중>

<보기>의 단어를 모두 활용하여 밑줄 친 우리말에 해당되는 부분을 수동태 문장으로 완성하시오.

<보기> the decision, until, make

그 결정이 내일까지 이루어지지 않을 것이기 때문에 우리는 아직 그것에 대해 생각할 시간이 있다.

→ We still have some time to think about it because ___ .

44. <중계 – 상명중>

괄호 안의 단어를 사용하여 대화의 빈칸을 수동태 문장으로 영작하시오.

A : Who sang the song “Let it Be”?

B : ___ (the Beatles)

→ ___ .

45. <평촌 – 군포중>

단어의 과거형과 과거분사형이 바르게 연결된 것은? [3.7점]

원형 / 과거형 / 과거분사형

① see / saw / sew

② feel / felt / feel

③ buy / bought / bought

④ read / readed / readed

⑤ become / became / became

46. <중계 – 창일중>

다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은?

① The newspaper was not read.

② The door was opened by someone.

③ A pizza was made for me by Mom.

④ The houses were built two years ago.

⑤ My cat washed by my brother yesterday.

47. <일산 – 저동중>

다음 글을 읽고 어법상 옳지 않은 부분을 모두 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

All type of races refer to as regattas in the U.S., but this term is only used in the U.K. only for head-to-head races that takes place in the summer season. The Harvard-Yale Regatta started in 1852, and it is the oldest sporting event between college in the U.S.

(1) ___ → ___

(2) ___ → ___

(3) ___ → ___

48. <수지 – 창덕중>

밑줄 친 (A)~(C)를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 넣으시오.

(A): ___

(B): ___

(C): ___

49. <영통 – 용인서천중>

완전한 영어문장이 되도록 각 빈칸에 알맞은 영어표현을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오.

Yuri was so happy on her birthday last year. Everyone remembered her birthday. A seaweed soup (1) ___ her sister because she was poor at cooking. But Yuri’s mother made a delicious seaweed soup. Some birthday cards (2) ___ her friends. They gave the cards to her. And they also gave her a gift. It was a camera because Yuri was interested in taking pictures. Some pictures (3) ___ Yuri with the camera. On her face, there was a big smile. Last birthday was the happiest day of her life.


∘반드시 활용해야 할 제시어: (1) cook (2) write (3) take

∘필요한 경우 제시어의 형태를 변형할 것

(1) ___

(2) ___

(3) ___

50. <수원 – 수원북중>

어법상 바른 문장은?

① The letter didn’t sent by Tony.

② The picture was painted Frank.

③ The computer was repaired by he.

④ This photo is taken yesterday by Judy.

⑤ My friends were invited to the party by me.

51. <일산 – 덕이중>

다음 대화를 요약한 글을 각각 완성하시오.

Anne: Do you remember what “the book of the year” is?

Tom: No. I just remember the writer is J. K. Rowling.

Anne: Yeah, the book has been a bestseller in the world.

Tom: Ah, now I remember. The book is “Harry Potter”, isn’t it?

Anne: Yes, people chose it as “the book of the year” yesterday.

They are talking about “the book of the year”. The book (1) ___ J. K. Rowling. And it (2) ___ “the book of the year” yesterday.

Tom: Have you ever raised a dog?

Anne: Yes, his name is Toby and he looks very cute.

Tom: I wonder how many times you feed him a day?

Anne: Twice a day. And I usually wash him once a week.

Tom: Umm, it’s nice of you to do.

Tom and Anne are talking about Tom’s dog. His dog (3) ___ Toby and looks cute. And Toby (4) ___ two times a day by his friend, Tom.

52. <일산 – 대화중>

지시에 따라 문장을 완성하시오.

(1) My brother broke the window.

(수동태) ___ .

(2) These cookies were baked by my mom.

(능동태) ___ .

53. <평촌 – 흥진중>

다음 두 그림을 주어진 단어를 이용해 <조건>에 맞게 영작하시오. [총 2.0점]

(A) Edison invented the light bulb.

(B) She writes Harry Potter books.


• 반드시 주어진 문장에 맞게 영작할 것

• 필요시 주어진 단어를 어법에 맞게 변형할 것

• 한 칸에 한 단어씩 주어진 단어 수에 맞게 쓸 것

(A) The light bulbs (1) ___ (2) ___ (3) ___ (4) ___.

(B) Harry Potter books (1) ___ (2) ___ (3) ___ (4) ___.

54. <평촌 – 용호중>

수동태를 사용하여 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 문장을 완성하시오. [총 8점]

(1) Mandy writes the letter.

→ The letter ___ . [4점]

(2) Someone stole my cups.

→ My cups ___ . [4점]

55. <평촌 – 갈뫼중>

주어진 능동태 문장을 수동태 문장으로 고쳐 쓰시오. [총 6.0점]

[A] She drew a beautiful house.

→ ___ . [3.0점]

[B] He didn’t make the cake.

→ ___ . [3.0점]

56. <수지 – 서원중>

주어진 문장을 수동태로 바꾸어 영어문장으로 쓰시오.

(1) He put ants into the box.

→ ___ .

(2) My teacher can solve the problem.

→ ___ .

57. <수지 – 구갈중>

그림에 어울리는 문장을 완성하시오.


° 그림에 주어진 단어를 활용하여 쓸 것

° 주어진 주어로 시작하는 문장으로 쓸 것

° 과거시제 문장으로 쓸 것

(1) Cathy ___ .

(2) The cake ___ .

58. <송파 – 오금중>

다음 문장의 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 옳은 문장으로 다시 쓰시오.

The picture took by James.

(그 사진은 James에 의해서 찍혔다)

⇨ ___ .

59. <수원 – 수일중>

다음 각각의 문장을 같은 의미의 문장으로 바꾸어 완성하시오.

(1) A French family found the missing child.

→ The missing child ___ by a French family.

(2) Jessica took these photos.

→ These photos ___ by Jessica.

(3) This is the pants. I want to buy the pants.

→ This is the pants ___ I want to buy.

(4) I will visit Spain as well as Italy.

→ I will visit ___ Italy but also Spain.

60. <평촌 – 수리중>

다음 중 어법이 맞는 문장은? [3.1점]

① The Mona Lisa was paint by Leonardo da Vinci.

② Romeo and Juliet were wrote by Shakespeare.

③ The Thinker is show in the Musee Rodin.

④ Lots of coffee is grown in Columbia now.

⑤ Bulguksa was build in 628.

61. <영통 – 태장중>

다음 문장을 수동태로 바꾸시오. (단, ‘by+행위자’를 생략하지 말 것)

(1) The dog bit him.

→ He ___ .

(2) He didn’t send the letter.

→ ___ .

62. <중계 – 상계중>

<보기>와 같이 주어진 문장의 주어를 바꾸어 문장을 다시 쓰시오.

① They called out the answers after the exam.

→ ___ .

② I will cook chicken soup for my mom today.

→ ___ .

63. <중계 – 녹천중>

주어진 문장에서 목적어를 주어로 하여 같은 의미가 되도록 고쳐 쓰시오.

(1) Jane sang a wonderful song at the wedding.

→ ___ .

(2) People in Switzerland speak French and German.

→ ___ .

64. <중계 – 녹천중>

글의 흐름에 맞게 주어진 말을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

(1) feed → ___

(2) wash → ___

(3) hold → ___

65. <대치 – 아주중>

다음 수동태로 바르게 영작한 것은?

① Sue drives a blue car.

→ A blue car is drived by Sue.

② Jim moved heavy boxes.

→ Jim is moved by heavy boxes.

③ I respect my parents.

→ My parents are respected by I.

④ Tony didn’t sent the letter.

→ The letter didn’t send by Tony.

⑤ Did she clean the room?

→ Was the room cleaned by her?

66. <영통 – 연무중>

다음을 읽고 빈 칸 ⓐ와 ⓑ에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

Dear students, the International Comic Book Fair ⓐ ___ at the Seoul Comic Book Center from September 5th to 11th. Many kinds of comic books from many countries ⓑ ___ . Also, you can watch popular animation for free. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

ⓐ ⓑ

① holds introduces

② will hold introduces

③ will hold will be introduced

④ will be held introduces

⑤ will be held will be introduced

67. <일산 – 대송중>

ⓐ~ⓖ 중 어법상 옳은 문장 만을 <보기>에서 모두 고르면?

<보 기>

ⓐ My father was interested by this novel.

ⓑ Your messages were sent by the reporter.

ⓒ Stephanie left home without say good bye.

ⓓ The beautiful doll was shown to us by Jane.

ⓔ My friends were invited to the birthday party.

ⓕ Your children will be gave piggy banks by you.

ⓖ The students who are playing there has to go to school.

① ⓐ, ⓔ, ⓕ

② ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓔ

③ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓖ

④ ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ, ⓕ

⑤ ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓖ

68. <일산 – 대송중>

<조건>에 맞게 영어 문장으로 쓰시오.

<조 건>

1. 주어진 우리말(한국어)에 맞게 영어로 쓸 것

2. 각각 주어진 단어를 문장에 모두 사용해야 함

3. 주어진 단어는 어법에 맞게 변형 가능함

4. 필요한 단어는 추가하여 주어와 동사를 포함한 완전한 영어 문장으로 쓸 것

5. 축약형(줄임 표현)으로 작성하지 말 것

6. 문법적으로 올바른 영어 문장으로 쓸 것

(1) 모든 학생은 외출하도록 허락되지 않았었다. (be, allow, every를 포함한 영어 8단어)

→ ___ .

(2) 그 편지들은 그들에 의해 쓰여 졌었다. (be, write를 포함한 영어 6단어)

→ ___ .

69. <평촌 – 범계중>

위 글을 읽고 질문에 대한 답을 <조건>에 맞게 완성하시오. [총 6점]


문제 (1)은 수동태 문장으로 변형, ‘by’ 포함 5단어 이하

문제 (2)는 ‘never, used, worthless, that’ 포함 7단어 이하

(1) 밑줄 친 문장을 조건에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

→ ___ .

(2) What is the lesson of this fable?

→ ___ .

70. <송파 – 보인중>

다음 문장을 “도둑이 경찰에 의해 잡혔다”라는 의미로 바꾸시오.

[ 조 건 ]

1. 각 문항의 괄호 안에 들어갈 단어는 필요시 시제를 변형할 것

2. 각 문항의 괄호 안에 주어진 단어 수에 맞춰 영작할 것 (단어 수 어긋날 시 오답처리)

3. 주어 동사가 완벽한 문장으로 쓸 것

The police caught the thief.

⇨ ___ (1) ___ (2) ___ (3) ___ (4) ___ (5) ___ (6) ___ (7)

71. <송파 – 성내중>

그림의 내용을 설명하는 두 문장을 <보기>의 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 주어진 단어를 활용하여 완성하시오.


§ 토끼는 거북이를 속였다. (trick)

(1) The rabbit ___ .

(2) The turtle ___ .

72. <송파 – 성내중>

<보기>의 우리말에 맞도록 의 단어를 활용하여 문장을 완성하시오. 단, 필요하면 단어의 형태를 변형하여 쓰시오.

 Know / eat / without


그는 그의 쿠키가 먹히고 있는 줄도 모른 채 쿠키하우스를 만들고 있다.

→ He is making a cookie house ___ that his cookies ___ .

73. <평촌 – 수리중>

다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 표현을 주어진 표현을 활용하여 완성하시오. [총 8점, 각 2점]

Where do you go when you (1) ___ ?

French gentlemen went to the barbershop for their toothache.

The barbers pulled out their bad teeth! Yes, that’s right. Hair (2) ___ (cut), wounds (3) ___ (treat), and bad teeth (4) ___ (pull out) in the barbershops of old France.

74. <평촌 – 산본중>

다음 글의 내용상 빈 곳에 알맞은 말은? [3.3점]

I’d like to introduce the painting, Water Lilies. Claude Monet (A) ___ it in 1906. It is one of the most important pictures that (B) ___ in the 20th century. It (C) ___ in the Marmottan Monet Museum.

(A) (B) (C)

① painted were painted is shown

② painted are painted shown

③ painted was painted was showed

④ was painted were painted was shown

⑤ was painted painted is shown

75. <평촌 – 산본중>

다음 문장에서 수동태는 능동태로, 능동태는 수동태로 바꾼 것 중 옳은 것은? [3.3점]

① Wounds were treated by the barbers.

→ The barbers were treated wounds.

② They mixed onion with spices.

→ Onion was mixed with spices by them.

③ Gold toothpicks were used in Europe.

→ People use gold toothpicks in Europe.

④ Some of them used bronze toothpicks.

→ Bronze toothpicks are used by some of them.

⑤ The barbers pulled out their bad teeth.

→ Their bad teeth was pulled out by the barbers.

76. <용인 – 나곡중>

능동태를 수동태로 바꾼 것 중 잘못된 것은?

① Mrs. Cook found a letter.

→ A letter was found by Mrs. Cook.

② She made the cookies.

→ The cookies is made by her.

③ Many students love this book.

→ This book is loved by many students.

④ Sujin didn’t draw this picture.

→ This picture wasn’t drawn by Sujin.

⑤ Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

→ The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.

77. <일산 – 풍산중>

어법상 옳은 것만을 <보기>에서 있는 대로 고른 것은?

<보 기>

(A) French is spoken in France.

(B) The photos was taken by Jang.

(C) The mountain was covered with snow.

(D) I was continued to climb the mountains.

(E) It is dangerous to swim for you in this lake.

(F) The teacher as well as his students was studying.

① (A), (B), (D)

② (A), (C), (F)

③ (B), (D), (E)

④ (A), (C), (D), (F)

⑤ (C), (D), (E), (F)

78. <일산 – 한빛중>

제시된 안내문의 정보를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 아래 글을 완성하시오.


밑줄 1개가 단어 1개를 의미함.

[ ] 안에 주어진 동사의 형태를 반드시 변형할 것.

Special Month

Title: The Thinker

Artist: Auguste Rodin

Completed in 1902

Rodin Museum

The title is The Thinker.

It (1) [make] ___ by Auguste Rodin.

It is one of the most important works that were completed in the 20th century.

It (2) [show] ___ in the Rodin Museum during this month.

79. <송파 – 둔촌중>

어법상 옳은 문장은? (정답 2개)

① Lots of coffee is grown in Colombia.

② Harry Potter written by J. K. Rowling.

③ This picture was painted by Van Gogh.

④ My favorite food am cooked for my mother.

⑤ English studied by many people in the world.

80. <일산 – 한빛중>

다음 대화의 내용과 일치하도록 대화에 나오는 어휘를 활용하여 요약문을 완성하시오.

Jane: Is the bike fixed, Mom?

Mom: Yes, it is.

Jane: Great. Did Bill fix it?

Mom: No, your dad fixed it. He used a pair of scissors.

Jane: A pair of scissors?

Mom: Yes. He also fixed your desk lamp this afternoon.

Jane: With the scissors?

Mom: No, he fixed it with a pen.

Jane: He is an all-round mechanic!

Mom: Yes, he is.


Jane’s bike was broken, and it (1) [fix] ___ by her father.

He fixed it (2) [with] ___ a pair of scissors.

He also fixed her desk lamp. He used a pen (3) [to] ___ that.

81. <수지 – 현암중>

위 글을 읽고 아래의 요약문을 조건에 맞게 완성하시오.

Staying clean in space is not easy at all. First of all, (A) ___ float ___. Because of this, when using soaps and shampoos or brushing teeth, astronauts should be careful. Secondly, there is little water in space. Therefore, when living in space, (B) ___ recycle, purpose ___ .


1. 완전한 문장으로 쓸 것.

2. 총 5단어 이상 10단어 이하로 작성할 것.

3. 주어진 단어를 각 한 번 이상 사용할 것.

4. 필요한 경우, 주어진 단어의 형태를 변형할 것.

5. 지문에서 연속된 세 단어 이상을 그대로 사용하지 말 것.

(A) ___ .

(B) ___ .

82. <수지 – 현암중>

능동태를 수동태로 올바르게 전환한 것은?

① I didn’t fix the computer.

→ The computer isn’t fixed by me.

② My dad takes care of the dog.

→ The dog is taken care of by my dad.

③ Sara didn’t draw this picture.

→ This picture wasn’t drew by Sara.

④ Did your mom make this cake?

→ Was this cake made your mom?

⑤ I bring my family photos to my school.

→ My family photos were brought to my school by me.

83. <대치 – 배명중>

다음 글의 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 것은?

This ⓐis The Thinker. It ⓑmade by Auguste Rodin in 1902. It is one of the most important ⓒworks that ⓓwere made in the 20th century. It ⓔis shown in the Musee Rodin.

① ⓐ

② ⓑ

③ ⓒ

④ ⓓ

⑤ ⓔ

84. <송파 – 둔촌중>

빈 칸에 들어갈 단어가 나머지와 다른 것은?

① Jane’s bike ___ broken.

② Bulguksa ___ built in 528.

③ It ___ painted by Claude Monet.

④ Chocolate ___ first made in Spain.

⑤ The plants ___ watered yesterday.

85. <송파 – 둔촌중>

주어진 수동태 문장을 능동태로 고쳐 쓰시오.

(A) It was made by Auguste Rodin in 1902.

→ ___ .

(B) These songs weren’t written by Mozart.

→ ___ .

86. <송파 – 송파중>

주어진 문장과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 쓰시오.

Tom must hand in the assignment in advance.

= The assignment ___ .

87. <중계 – 노일중>

어법상 맞는 문장은?

① Where did the book found?

② My mom was made the cake yesterday.

③ The vase weren’t broken by the dog.

④ Ron invited to Wonka Magic School.

⑤ Was the letter delivered by Mr. Smith?

88. <중계 – 노일중>

밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 맞는 것으로 짝지어진 것은?

① ⓐ,ⓑ,ⓒ

② ⓐ,ⓒ,ⓔ

③ ⓑ,ⓒ,ⓔ

④ ⓑ,ⓒ,ⓓ

⑤ ⓒ,ⓓ,ⓔ

89. <수원 – 영덕중>

빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

Some birds are ___ (A) in storms and are driven off course. Sometimes they are hunted by other animals. However, human activities are the number one danger to migrating birds. Many wetlands are ___ (B) because of people. Many birds are ___ (C) places to live in winter.

90. <송파 – 풍성중>

ⓐ~ⓒ의 단어 형태를 바르게 고친 것은?

ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ

① took be seen be seen

② took be seen see

③ took see be seen

④ have taken see see

⑤ have taken be seen be seen

91. <송파 – 강일중>

보기의 예와 같이 낱말의 형태변화를 보고, 다음 중 바르지 않은 것을 고르시오.


come / came / come

eat / ate / eaten

① strike / stroke / struck

② lay / laid / laid

③ ring / rang / rung

④ grow / grew / grown

⑤ wake / woke / woken

92. <영통 – 영덕중>

다음 중 어법상 올바른 것은?

① His bike is stolen last Sunday.

② Is Spanish speaking in Brazil?

③ Who was inviting to the party?

④ We didn’t know when the baby was born.

⑤ The light bulb was invented with Tomas Edison.

93. <영통 – 영덕중>

다음 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 문장을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오.

Yesterday, Tom was playing baseball in the yard. He hit the baseball and it flew at his house. The ball crashed against the window and broke it. His dad found it this morning.

Dad: Did you break the window?

Tom: I’m sorry, I did it yesterday.


(1) when, be, break를 활용하여 영어로 쓰시오.

(2) 5단어 이내로 쓰시오.

→ ___ .

94. <영통 – 보라중>

어법상 옳은 문장은?

① I did not born in a big city.

② Spanish is spoken in Mexico.

③ The book were written by J. K. Rowling.

④ Did the package deliver in time yesterday?

⑤ The picture is painted by Vincent van Gogh 3 years ago.

95. <평촌 – 고천중>

다음은 수업시간에 본 사진에 대한 두 학생의 대화이다. 주어진 (1)~(3)의 단어를 글의 흐름에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오. (단, 필요할 경우, 단어를 변형하거나, 추가할 것) [총9점]

금지: Did you see the old pictures of Eunji teacher in English class?

동지: Yes, I did. The pictures of Eunji teacher and her brother, right?

금지: Yeah, she told us that they (1) ___ (take) when she was 5 years old. Anyway, I also (2) ___ (look) my old photos at home.

동지: Really? Did you find any?

금지: (3) ___ (fortune), I found me and my sister on my 7th birthday.

동지: Sounds cool, let me see the photo later.

96. <평촌 – 고천중>

다음 글을 읽고 ⓐ에 들어갈 말을 괄호 안의 단어를 활용하거나 추가하여 알맞게 쓰시오. [6점]

Seoul city will unveil two comfort woman statues Tuesday to commemorate Korea’s 72 years of independence from imperial Japan. The two statues ⓐ(will, place) in Dobong-gu and Geumchoen-gu in Seoul, making the total number of such statues in the city 11. One more is planned for Gangseo-gu by the end of this year.

ⓐ ___

97. <수지 – 백현중>

다음은 ‘blood doping’의 순서를 정리한 것이다. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 표현끼리 짝지은 것은?

1. Blood is (A) ___ from the athlete’s body.

2. The (B) ___ blood is stored under frozen conditions.

3. The blood is (C) ___ and injected back into the athlete’s body.

*thaw: 녹다, 해동하다

(A) (B) (C)

① taken extra frozen

② injected extra frozen

③ removed taken out frozen

④ removed withdrawn thawed

⑤ remained withdrawn thawed

98. <송파 – 석촌중>

다음 밑줄 친 표현 중 어법상 틀린 것(2개)을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

Ice cream introduced to Europe from the East. In 1670, Francisco Procopio opened a café in Paris, serving ices and sherbets. The ices and sherbets became so popular that by 1676 there were 250 ice makers in Paris. The main ingredients which used to make ice cream are milk, cream, sugar and eggs. These ingredients are combined to make a mixture which is put in a large container and is refrigerated for hours.

틀린 표현 → 바른 표현

① ___ → ___

② ___ → ___

99. <송파 – 송파중>

어법상 옳은 문장끼리 짝지어진 것은?

ⓐ America was discovered in 1492 by Columbus.

ⓑ Did the letter deliver by Mr. Smith?

ⓒ Jason was disappointing with the result.

ⓓ Her room could be not cleaned by her.

ⓔ Four languages are spoke in this country.

ⓕ The restaurant is known for its Greek dishes.

ⓖ Ron invited to Wonka Magic School.

ⓗ The accident was occurred in the middle of the night.

ⓘ Our flight will be delayed due to the heavy rain.

① ⓐ, ⓕ, ⓘ

② ⓐ, ⓓ, ⓘ

③ ⓑ, ⓕ, ⓘ

④ ⓒ, ⓔ, ⓗ

⑤ ⓐ, ⓕ, ⓗ

100. <송파 – 송파중>

다음은 수준별 문제입니다. (A), (B) 중 한 문제만 선택하여 푸시오.

(A) 주어진 문장과 의미가 같도록 수동태로 바꾸시오.

Peter waters the garden.

→ ___ .

(B) 대화에서 밑줄 친 수동태 문장을 능동태 문장으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

A: I will study designing and making aircraft at the university.

B: Really? Do you know what materials are used to make aircraft?

A: I have no idea, but I heard that Aluminum is widely used in aircraft construction.

→ ___ .

101. <송파 – 선화예술중>

다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

The paper ⓐ ___ to many cities. The trucks that carry the paper ⓑ ___ a lot of CO2.

위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ와 ⓑ에 알맞은 것을 2개 고르시오.

① are cut

② is sent

③ give off

④ take off

⑤ is pressed

102. <송파 – 일신여중>

우리말 해석과 일치하도록 바르게 연결된 것은?

“목화를 기르기 위해 농부들에 의해 많은 화학물질들이 쓰인다.”

① To grow cotton plants, farmers are used by a lot of chemicals.

② A lot of farmers are used by chemicals to grow cotton plants.

③ By a lot of farmers used are chemicals to grow cotton plants.

④ A lot of chemicals are used to grow cotton plants by farmers.

⑤ A lot of chemicals used by farmers are grow to cotton plants.

103. <송파 – 일신여중>

다음 빈칸에 넣을 단어의 형태가 올바른 것은?

A lot of trees are cut down each year to make paper. Trees are (1) ___ very small pieces. These small pieces (2) ___ to the paper factory. A lot of chemicals (3) ___ make a mix for strong and white paper. It (4) ___ rolls. Finally, we have paper, and it is cut into different sizes. The paper is sent to many cities. In a printing house, stories (5) ___ the paper, and they are turned into books.

① cut up

② is moved

③ are use to

④ pressed into

⑤ are printed on

104. <송파 – 송례중>

주어진 조건에 맞는 영어 문장을 쓰시오.

[①] 주어진 문장을 수동태로 바꾸시오.

Everyone loves it.

→ ___ .

[②~③] 어법이 바르지 않은 문장 2개를 찾아 틀린 부분을 모두 고쳐 완전한 문장으로 다시 쓰시오. (단, 문장의 의미변화는 오답처리 함)

• Wine is made from grapes.

• The vase didn’t broken by the dog.

• This house was built 100 years ago.

• Did the letter deliver by Mr. Smith?

• I want to be invited to EXO’s birthday party.

② ___

③ ___

105. <송파 – 석촌중>

빈칸 ⓐ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 어색한 것은?

M: Why do you look so mad, Susie?

W: It’s because of Amy.

M: What did she do?

W: She always wears my clothes without asking me.

M: You two are sisters. ⓐ ___ .

W: But Dad, she tells me not to wear her clothes. It’s not fair!

M: All right, Susie. Take it easy. I’ll talk to her about it.

W: Thanks, Dad.

① Sisters are supposed to share things.

② Sisters are not allowed to share things.

③ Sisters should know how to share things.

④ Sisters are expected to use things together.

⑤ Sisters are required to use things with each other.

106. <송파 – 석촌중>

다음 그림을 보고 대화한 내용입니다. 어법에 맞게 올바르게 표현된 것은?

① A: Where did Ron born?

B: He was born in Fantasy World.

② A: Did the letter deliver by Mr. Smith?

B: No, it didn’t.

③ A: Who delivered the letter?

B: It is delivered by a bird.

④ A: What was written in the letter?

B: Ron invited to Wonka Magic School.

⑤ A: Was the letter read by Ron?

B: Yes, it was.

107. <수지 – 광교중>

다음 주어진 문장들을 <보기>와 같이 바꾸시오.

(A) Paul showed some pictures to me.

→ ___ .

(B) Alexandre Gustave Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower.

→ ___ .

🌱화수분 홈페이지에 오시면 더 많은 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다! 현재 화수분에서는 🖥️ 문제 풀이 사이트를 준비 중입니다. 각 과목에 맞게 문제를 풀고 📝 채점까지 할 수 있어, 자신이 부족한 부분을 바로 확인할 수 있을 것으로 기대됩니다. 정식 오픈 시에 여러분께 🎉 안내드리겠습니다!

[📢 안내] 필요하신 과목이나 단원이 있으면 💬 댓글 부탁드립니다. 댓글을 수시로 확인하고 관련 문제를 빠르게 업로드할 예정이니 많은 참여 부탁드려요! 😄

도움이 되셨다면 공감 버튼 누르는 것도 잊지 마세요! 👍

위에 문제를 다운받고 싶으시면 아래 버튼을 클릭하세요.

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