[중2] 영어 문제 시제 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공안녕하세요! 평등한 교육 받을 기회를 추구하는 🌱화수분입니다. 오늘 관련된 주제는 영어 과목 시제 문제입니다.
정답을 맞추기보다는 ✨풀이 과정✨에 집중해서 문제 하나하나를 풀다 보면 정점에 도달할 수 있겠죠? 오늘도 화이팅입니다! 💪📚
자! 그럼 아래 관련 문제를 정리해봅니다. 📝
[📢 안내] 하단에 📥 다운로드를 클릭하면 문제를 직접 다운받을 수 있습니다. 일부 문제지에는 답이 포함되어 있거나, 답지를 별도로 제공하고 있으니 부모님이나 학생 분들은 참고해주세요! 😊
![[중2] 영어 문제 시제 정리하기 문제 및 답지 다운받기 제공](https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/ZCi8B/btsJZcheIuv/cYqZiCZpDIOfJRAL6Kg7XK/img.png)
[1-3] 괄호 안의 말을 바르게 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요.
- (go, to bed, doesn’t)
→ Her little brother ______________________________ early. - (been, fishing, has)
→ My father ________________________________ all day. - (is, going, buy, to)
→ Henry ________________________________ a new jacket.
[4-5] 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.
- The math teacher (is not knowing, does not know) my name.
- You will laugh as soon as (you see, you will see) my new haircut.
[6-15] 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 찾아 바르게 고치세요.
- You ①are seeming ②sad. ③Is there something ④wrong?
- They ①were ②bitten by mosquitoes ③while they ④sleeping.
- The tree ①has ②stood for 300 years ③before it was ④cutdown.
- ①It’s 2 a.m. ②now, and Jonathan ③was doing ④his homework.
- Kate usually ①is taking a bus ②to school, but ③today she ④is riding her bike.
- ①Can I borrow that game ②someday ③when you ④will be out?
- ①Did you finished your homework, or ②have you ③been ④watching the baseball game?
- ①I’ve been in France ②only a week but I’ve ③already ④been eating snails twice.
- I ①had ②learned how to ski only ③recently, so I keep ④falling down.
- An hour ①ago, he ②has ③washed his face and ④brushed his teeth.
[16-30] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르세요.
- I ____________ this laptop since last year.
- ① used
- ② have been using
- ③ use
- ④ was using
- ⑤ am using
- Louis ____________ new music from the Internet every day.
- ① downloads
- ② downloading
- ③ is downloading
- ④ he downloads
- ⑤ download
- Why ____________? It’s only a movie!
- ① you cry
- ② you are crying
- ③ you crying
- ④ are you crying
- ⑤ your crying
- My boss ____________ me late last night. There was an emergency!
- ① calls
- ② called
- ③ calling
- ④ used to call
- ⑤ was called
- I ____________ reply to your text message because I was very upset with you.
- ① didn’t
- ② wasn’t
- ③ don’t
- ④ am not
- ⑤ doesn’t
- One day last summer, some weird marks ____________ in the desert.
- ① appearing
- ② was appearing
- ③ will appear
- ④ do appear
- ⑤ appeared
- When ____________ to Australia?
- ① she went
- ② she goes
- ③ she did go
- ④ did she go
- ⑤ she was gone
- As soon as the kids heard the ice cream truck, they ____________ what they were doing.
- ① stopped
- ② had stopped
- ③ stops
- ④ were stopping
- ⑤ were stopped
- My sister and I ____________ when the sad movie ended.
- ① was crying
- ② crying
- ③ cry
- ④ were crying
- ⑤ used to crying
- The player ____________ for Manchester United since 2005.
- ① played
- ② has been playing
- ③ plays
- ④ was playing
- ⑤ play
- I have been taking piano lessons ____________ a year.
- ① since
- ② while
- ③ by
- ④ for
- ⑤ from
- ____________ you eaten lunch yet?
- ① Did
- ② Have
- ③ Do
- ④ Has
- ⑤ Will
- ____________ any interesting wildlife while you were traveling around Australia last year?
- ① Do you see
- ② Will you see
- ③ Did you see
- ④ Did you saw
- ⑤ Had you
- We ____________ a snowball fight yesterday.
- ① have
- ② have been having
- ③ had been having
- ④ had
- ⑤ are having
- Maria ____________ sandwiches in the park when it began to rain.
- ① is eating
- ② was eating
- ③ has been eating
- ④ eats
- ⑤ has eaten
[31-36] 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.
- Roy don’t drinking Coke.
- Harry was running when he was dropping the ice cream cake.
- Let’s wait here until it will stop raining.
- She has been taking swimming lessons since two years.
- What you are studying after school these days?
- By Wednesday, we’ll have been dated for three months.
[37] 괄호 안에 들어갈 동사의 시제를 [과거형–현재완료형–현재형] 순으로 기호를 쓰세요.
ⓐ Will you see that new comedy movie when it ____________ out? (come)
ⓑ When she was younger, she ____________ taekwondo every day. (practice)
ⓒ Steven ____________ his homework and is now playing computer games. (already finish)
[과거형–현재완료형–현재형]: ____________ – ____________ – ____________
[38-40] Jessica의 이번 주 일정표를 보고, 과거/현재/미래 시제를 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요. (영어 문제 시제)
- Today is Thursday. [예시] She took a Chinese language class at 9:00 on Monday.
- She _______________________________________________ at 15:00 on Wednesday.
- She _______________________________________________ at 14:00 every Thursday.
- She _______________________________________________ at 13:00 on Saturday.
🌱화수분 홈페이지에 오시면 더 많은 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다! 현재 화수분에서는 🖥️ 문제 풀이 사이트를 준비 중입니다. 각 과목에 맞게 문제를 풀고 📝 채점까지 할 수 있어, 자신이 부족한 부분을 바로 확인할 수 있을 것으로 기대됩니다. 정식 오픈 시에 여러분께 🎉 안내드리겠습니다!
- 홈페이지 주소: https://whasubun.com
- 문제 풀이 사이트: 준비 중
[📢 안내] 필요하신 과목이나 단원이 있으면 💬 댓글 부탁드립니다. 댓글을 수시로 확인하고 관련 문제를 빠르게 업로드할 예정이니 많은 참여 부탁드려요! 😄
도움이 되셨다면 공감 버튼 누르는 것도 잊지 마세요! 👍
위에 문제를 다운받고 싶으시면 아래 버튼을 클릭하세요.